import { Store } from '@subsquid/typeorm-store'; import { Voucher } from './model'; import { Block } from './processor'; import { BalanceTransferArgs, IssueVoucherTxArgs, UpdateVoucherTxArgs, VoucherIssuedArgs, VoucherUpdatedArgs, } from './types'; import { logger } from '@gear-js/common'; import { In } from 'typeorm'; export class BatchState { private _vouchers: Map; private _revoked: Set; private _store: Store; private _transfers: Map; constructor() { this._vouchers = new Map(); this._revoked = new Set(); this._transfers = new Map(); } public new(store: Store) { this._vouchers.clear(); this._revoked.clear(); this._transfers.clear(); this._store = store; } public issued(event: VoucherIssuedArgs, tx: IssueVoucherTxArgs, block: Block) {`Voucher issued`, { id: event.voucherId, block: block.height }); const balance = BigInt(tx.balance); const atBlock = BigInt(block.height); const atTime = new Date(block.timestamp!); this._vouchers.set( event.voucherId, new Voucher({ id: event.voucherId, owner: event.owner, spender: event.spender, amount: balance, balance: BigInt(0), // it will be set by transfer event programs: tx.programs, codeUploading: tx.codeUploading, expiryAtBlock: atBlock + BigInt(tx.duration), expiryAt: new Date(block.timestamp! + tx.duration * 3000), issuedAtBlock: atBlock, issuedAt: atTime, updatedAtBlock: atBlock, updatedAt: atTime, }), ); } public async updated(event: VoucherUpdatedArgs, tx: UpdateVoucherTxArgs, block: Block) {`Voucher updated`, { id: event.voucherId, block: block.height }); const atBlock = BigInt(block.height); const atTime = new Date(block.timestamp!); const voucher = await this._getVoucher(event.voucherId); if (!voucher) { return; } voucher.updatedAtBlock = atBlock; voucher.updatedAt = atTime; if (tx.moveOwnership) { voucher.owner = tx.moveOwnership; } if (tx.balanceTopUp) { voucher.amount = BigInt(voucher.amount) + BigInt(tx.balanceTopUp); } if (tx.appendPrograms.__kind === 'Some') { voucher.programs!.push(...tx.appendPrograms.value); } if (tx.codeUploading) { voucher.codeUploading = tx.codeUploading; } if (tx.prolongDuration) { voucher.expiryAtBlock = atBlock + BigInt(tx.prolongDuration); voucher.expiryAt = new Date(block.timestamp! + tx.prolongDuration * 3000); } } public async declined(event: VoucherUpdatedArgs, block: Block) {`Voucher declined`, { id: event.voucherId, block: block.height }); const voucher = await this._getVoucher(event.voucherId); if (!voucher) { return; } voucher.isDeclined = true; } public async revoked(event: VoucherUpdatedArgs, block: Block) {`Voucher revoked`, { id: event.voucherId, block: block.height }); this._revoked.add(event.voucherId); } public transfer(event: BalanceTransferArgs) { const fromBalance = this._transfers.has(event.from) ? this._transfers.get(event.from)! : BigInt(0); const toBalance = this._transfers.has( ? this._transfers.get(! : BigInt(0); this._transfers.set(event.from, fromBalance - BigInt(event.amount)); this._transfers.set(, toBalance + BigInt(event.amount)); } private async _getVoucher(id: string): Promise { if (this._vouchers.has(id)) { return this._vouchers.get(id)!; } const voucher = await this._store.findOneBy(Voucher, { id }); if (!voucher) { return null; } voucher.balance = BigInt(voucher.balance); this._vouchers.set(id, voucher); return voucher; } async save() { if (this._vouchers.size > 0) { const voucherIds = Array.from(this._vouchers.keys()); for (const id of voucherIds) { if (this._transfers.has(id)) { this._vouchers.get(id)!.balance += this._transfers.get(id)!; this._transfers.delete(id); } if (this._revoked.has(id)) { this._vouchers.delete(id); this._revoked.delete(id); } } const vouchers = Array.from(this._vouchers.values()); await this._store.upsert(vouchers);`Vouchers saved`, { size: this._vouchers.size }); } if (this._revoked.size > 0) { const revoked = Array.from(this._revoked); await this._store.remove(Voucher, revoked);`Vouchers removed`, { size: this._revoked.size }); } const trasnferIds = Array.from(this._transfers.keys()); if (trasnferIds.length > 0) { const voucherTransfers = await this._store.find(Voucher, { where: { id: In(trasnferIds) } }); if (voucherTransfers.length > 0) { for (const voucher of voucherTransfers) { const balance = this._transfers.get(!; voucher.balance = BigInt(voucher.balance) + balance; } await this._store.upsert(voucherTransfers);`Transfers saved`, { size: voucherTransfers.length }); } } } }