import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types'; import { GearApi, MessageQueued, ProgramMetadata, decodeAddress, generateCodeHash } from '@gear-js/api'; import { HexString } from '@polkadot/util/types'; import { waitReady } from '@polkadot/wasm-crypto'; import { API_GATEWAY_METHODS, INDEXER_METHODS } from '@gear-js/common'; import * as path from 'node:path'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import base, { PATH_TO_PROGRAMS } from './config'; import { getAccounts, sleep } from './utils'; import { jsonrpcRequest } from './request'; function hasAllProps(obj: any, props: string[]) { for (const p of props) { expect(obj).toHaveProperty(p); } expect(Object.keys(obj)).toHaveLength(props.length); } let genesis: HexString; let api: GearApi; let alice: KeyringPair; let bob: KeyringPair; let testMetaId: HexString; let waitlistCodeId: HexString; let metaCodeId: HexString; let msgForReply: HexString; const programs: { programId: string; codeId: string; metahash?: string; hasState: boolean; status: string }[] = []; const codes: { codeId: string; metahash: string; hasState: boolean; status: string }[] = []; const sentMessages: { id: string; source: string; destination: string; payload: string; entry: string; value: string; }[] = []; const receivedMessages: { id: string; source: string; destination: string; payload: string; value: string; replyToMessageId: string; expiration: number; }[] = []; const metaHex = fs.readFileSync(path.join(PATH_TO_PROGRAMS, 'test_meta.meta.txt'), 'utf-8'); const testMetaMeta = ProgramMetadata.from(metaHex); beforeAll(async () => { try { api = await GearApi.create({ providerAddress: base.gear.wsProvider, throwOnConnect: true }); } catch (error) { console.log(error); process.exit(0); } genesis = api.genesisHash.toHex(); fs.writeFileSync('./genesis', genesis, 'utf-8'); await waitReady(); const accounts = getAccounts(); alice = accounts.alice; bob = accounts.bob; listenToEvents(); }); afterAll(async () => { await api.disconnect(); await sleep(); }); async function listenToEvents() { api.gearEvents.subscribeToGearEvent( 'UserMessageSent', async ({ data: { message: { id, source, destination, details, payload, value }, expiration, }, }) => { if (payload.toHex() === '0x147265706c79') { msgForReply = id.toHex(); } receivedMessages.push({ id: id.toHex(), source: source.toHex(), destination: destination.toHex(), payload: payload.toHex(), value: value.toString(), replyToMessageId: details.isSome ? details.unwrap().to.toHex() : null, expiration: expiration.isSome ? expiration.unwrap().toNumber() : null, }); }, ); api.gearEvents.subscribeToGearEvent('UserMessageRead', ({ data: { reason, id } }) => { const msg = receivedMessages.find((msg) => === id.toHex()); if (msg) { msg['readReason'] = reason.isSystem ? 'OutOfRent' : reason.asRuntime.isMessageClaimed ? 'Claimed' : 'Replied'; } }); } const finalizationPromises = []; describe('prepare', () => { test('upload test_meta', async () => { const code = fs.readFileSync(path.join(PATH_TO_PROGRAMS, 'test_meta.opt.wasm')); const metahash = await api.code.metaHashFromWasm(code); const payload = testMetaMeta.createType(testMetaMeta.types.init.input!, [1, 2, 3]).toHex(); const { programId, codeId } = api.program.upload({ code, initPayload: payload, gasLimit: 200_000_000_000 }); metaCodeId = codeId; testMetaId = programId; programs.push({ programId, codeId, metahash, hasState: true, status: 'active' }); codes.push({ codeId, metahash, hasState: true, status: 'active' }); const [mqid, mqsource, mqdestination]: [string, string, string] = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { finalizationPromises.push( new Promise((finResolve) => { api.program.signAndSend(alice, ({ events, status }) => { if (status.isFinalized) { finResolve(0); } events.forEach(({ event }) => { if (event.method === 'ExtrinsicFailed') { reject(new Error(api.getExtrinsicFailedError(event).docs)); } else if (event.method === 'MessageQueued') { const { data: { id, source, destination }, } = event as MessageQueued; resolve([id.toHex(), source.toHex(), destination.toHex()]); } }); }); }), ); }); sentMessages.push({ id: mqid, source: mqsource, destination: mqdestination, entry: 'init', payload, value: '0' }); }); test('upload code test_waitlist', async () => { const code = fs.readFileSync(path.join(PATH_TO_PROGRAMS, 'test_waitlist.opt.wasm')); const { codeHash } = await api.code.upload(code); waitlistCodeId = codeHash; codes.push({ codeId: codeHash, metahash: null, hasState: false, status: 'active' }); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { finalizationPromises.push( new Promise((finResolve) => { api.code.signAndSend(alice, ({ events, status }) => { if (status.isFinalized) { finResolve(0); } if (status.isInBlock) { events.forEach(({ event }) => { if (event.method === 'CodeChanged') { resolve(0); } else if (event.method === 'ExtrinsicFailed') { reject(new Error(api.getExtrinsicFailedError(event).docs)); } }); } }); }), ); }); }); test('upload codes in batch', async () => { const code = fs.readFileSync(path.join(PATH_TO_PROGRAMS, 'app.opt.wasm')); const fakeCode = await api.code.upload(Buffer.from('0x12')); const appCode = await api.code.upload(code); const txs = [fakeCode.submitted, appCode.submitted]; codes.push({ codeId: generateCodeHash(code), hasState: true, metahash: await api.code.metaHashFromWasm(code), status: 'active', }); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { finalizationPromises.push( new Promise((finResolve) => { api.tx.utility.forceBatch(txs).signAndSend(alice, ({ events, status }) => { if (status.isFinalized) { finResolve(0); } if (status.isInBlock) { events.forEach(({ event }) => { if (event.method === 'ExtrinsicSuccess') { resolve(0); } else if (event.method === 'ExtrinsicFailed') { reject(new Error(api.getExtrinsicFailedError(event).docs)); } }); } }); }), ); }); }); test('upload test_waitlist', async () => { const code = fs.readFileSync(path.join(PATH_TO_PROGRAMS, 'test_waitlist.opt.wasm')); const { programId, codeId } = api.program.upload({ code, gasLimit: 200_000_000_000 }); programs.push({ programId, codeId, metahash: null, hasState: false, status: 'active' }); const [mqid, mqsource, mqdestination]: [string, string, string] = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { finalizationPromises.push( new Promise((finResolve) => { api.program.signAndSend(alice, ({ events, status }) => { if (status.isFinalized) { finResolve(0); } if (status.isInBlock) { events.forEach(({ event }) => { if (event.method === 'ExtrinsicFailed') { reject(new Error(api.getExtrinsicFailedError(event).docs)); } else if (event.method === 'MessageQueued') { const { data: { id, source, destination }, } = event as MessageQueued; resolve([id.toHex(), source.toHex(), destination.toHex()]); } }); } }); }), ); }); sentMessages.push({ id: mqid, source: mqsource, destination: mqdestination, entry: 'init', payload: '0x', value: '0', }); }); test('create program test_waitlist', async () => { const { programId } = api.program.create({ codeId: waitlistCodeId, gasLimit: 2_000_000_000 }); programs.push({ programId, codeId: waitlistCodeId, metahash: null, hasState: false, status: 'active' }); const [mqid, mqsource, mqdestination]: [string, string, string] = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { finalizationPromises.push( new Promise((finResolve) => { api.program.signAndSend(alice, ({ events, status }) => { if (status.isFinalized) { finResolve(0); } if (status.isInBlock) { events.forEach(({ event }) => { if (event.method === 'ExtrinsicFailed') { reject(new Error(api.getExtrinsicFailedError(event).docs)); } else if (event.method === 'MessageQueued') { const { data: { id, source, destination }, } = event as MessageQueued; resolve([id.toHex(), source.toHex(), destination.toHex()]); } }); } }); }), ); }); sentMessages.push({ id: mqid, source: mqsource, destination: mqdestination, entry: 'init', payload: '0x', value: '0', }); }); test('upload and create program in batch', async () => { const txs = []; const meta = ProgramMetadata.from(fs.readFileSync(path.join(PATH_TO_PROGRAMS, 'test_gas.meta.txt'), 'utf-8')); const payloads = [ meta.createType(meta.types.init.input, { input: 'Init' }).toHex(), testMetaMeta.createType(testMetaMeta.types.init.input, [1, 2, 3]).toHex(), ]; const code = fs.readFileSync(path.join(PATH_TO_PROGRAMS, 'test_gas.opt.wasm')); const gasProgram = api.program.upload({ code, initPayload: payloads[0], gasLimit: 2_000_000_000 }, meta); txs.push(gasProgram.extrinsic); const metahash = await api.code.metaHashFromWasm(code); programs.push({ programId: gasProgram.programId, status: 'active', metahash, hasState: false, codeId: gasProgram.codeId, }); codes.push({ codeId: generateCodeHash(code), metahash, hasState: false, status: 'active' }); const metaProgram = api.program.create( { codeId: metaCodeId, initPayload: payloads[1], gasLimit: 2_000_000_000 }, testMetaMeta, ); programs.push({ programId: metaProgram.programId, status: 'active', metahash: await api.code.metaHash(metaCodeId), hasState: true, codeId: metaCodeId, }); txs.push(metaProgram.extrinsic); const tx = api.tx.utility.batchAll(txs); let index = -1; await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { finalizationPromises.push( new Promise((finResolve) => { tx.signAndSend(alice, ({ events, status }) => { if (status.isFinalized) { finResolve(0); } if (status.isInBlock) { events.forEach(({ event }) => { if (event.method === 'ExtrinsicFailed') { reject(new Error(api.getExtrinsicFailedError(event).docs)); } else if (event.method === 'MessageQueued') { index++; const { data: { id, source, destination }, } = event as MessageQueued; sentMessages.push({ id: id.toHex(), source: source.toHex(), destination: destination.toHex(), entry: 'init', payload: payloads[index], value: '0', }); } else if (event.method === 'ExtrinsicSuccess') { resolve(0); } }); } }); }), ); }); expect(index).toBe(1); }); test('send message to test_meta', async () => { const payload = testMetaMeta.createType(testMetaMeta.types.handle.input, { One: 'Alice' }).toHex(); const tx = await api.message.send( { destination: testMetaId, gasLimit: 200_000_000_000, payload, value: 10_000_000_000_000 }, testMetaMeta, ); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { finalizationPromises.push( new Promise((finResolve) => { tx.signAndSend(alice, ({ events, status }) => { if (status.isFinalized) { finResolve(0); } if (status.isInBlock) { events.forEach(({ event }) => { if (event.method === 'ExtrinsicFailed') { reject(new Error(api.getExtrinsicFailedError(event).docs)); } else if (event.method === 'MessageQueued') { const { data: { id, source, destination }, } = event as MessageQueued; sentMessages.push({ id: id.toHex(), source: source.toHex(), destination: destination.toHex(), entry: 'handle', payload, value: '10000000000000', }); resolve(0); } }); } }); }), ); }); }); test('send batch of messages to test_meta', async () => { const txs = []; const payloads = [ testMetaMeta.createType(testMetaMeta.types.handle.input, { Two: [[8, 16]] }).toHex(), testMetaMeta .createType(testMetaMeta.types.handle.input, { Four: { array8: new Array(8).fill(0), array32: new Array(32).fill(1), actor: decodeAddress(alice.address) }, }) .toHex(), ]; txs.push(api.message.send({ destination: testMetaId, payload: payloads[0], gasLimit: 200_000_000_000 })); txs.push(api.message.send({ destination: testMetaId, payload: payloads[1], gasLimit: 200_000_000_000 })); const tx = api.tx.utility.batch(txs); let index = -1; await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { finalizationPromises.push( new Promise((finResolve) => { tx.signAndSend(alice, ({ events, status }) => { if (status.isFinalized) { finResolve(0); } if (status.isInBlock) { events.forEach(({ event }) => { if (event.method === 'ExtrinsicFailed') { reject(new Error(api.getExtrinsicFailedError(event).docs)); } else if (event.method === 'MessageQueued') { index++; const { data: { id, source, destination }, } = event as MessageQueued; sentMessages.push({ id: id.toHex(), source: source.toHex(), destination: destination.toHex(), entry: 'handle', payload: payloads[index], value: '0', }); } else if (event.method === 'ExtrinsicSuccess') { resolve(0); } }); } }); }), ); }); expect(index).toBe(1); }); test('send reply', async () => { const payload = testMetaMeta.createType(testMetaMeta.types.reply, 'ok').toHex(); const tx = await api.message.sendReply({ replyToId: msgForReply, payload, gasLimit: 2_000_000_000 }); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { finalizationPromises.push( new Promise((finResolve) => { tx.signAndSend(alice, ({ events, status }) => { if (status.isFinalized) { finResolve(0); } if (status.isInBlock) { events.forEach(({ event }) => { if (event.method === 'ExtrinsicFailed') { reject(new Error(api.getExtrinsicFailedError(event).docs)); } else if (event.method === 'MessageQueued') { const { data: { id, source, destination }, } = event as MessageQueued; sentMessages.push({ id: id.toHex(), source: source.toHex(), destination: destination.toHex(), entry: 'reply', payload, value: '0', }); resolve(0); } }); } }); }), ); }); }); test('send message with voucher', async () => { const { voucherId, extrinsic } = await api.voucher.issue( decodeAddress(bob.address), 30 * 1e12, 600, [testMetaId], false, ); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => extrinsic.signAndSend(alice, ({ events, status }) => { if (status.isInBlock) { if (events.find(({ event: { method } }) => method === 'ExtrinsicSuccess')) { resolve(0); } else { reject('Extrinsic failed'); } } }), ); const payload = testMetaMeta.createType(testMetaMeta.types.handle.input, { Two: [[8, 16]] }).toHex(); const msg = api.message.send({ destination: testMetaId, gasLimit: 200_000_000_000, payload, value: 0, }); const call =, { SendMessage: msg }); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { finalizationPromises.push( new Promise((finResolve) => { call.signAndSend(bob, ({ events, status }) => { if (status.isFinalized) { finResolve(0); } if (status.isInBlock) { events.forEach(({ event }) => { if (event.method === 'ExtrinsicFailed') { reject(new Error(api.getExtrinsicFailedError(event).docs)); } else if (event.method === 'MessageQueued') { const { data: { id, source, destination }, } = event as MessageQueued; sentMessages.push({ id: id.toHex(), source: source.toHex(), destination: destination.toHex(), entry: 'handle', payload, value: '0', }); } else if (event.method === 'ExtrinsicSuccess') { resolve(0); } }); } }); }), ); }); }); test('wait for finalization', async () => { await Promise.all(finalizationPromises); await new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(resolve, 3000); }); }); }); describe('common methods', () => { test(API_GATEWAY_METHODS.NETWORK_DATA_AVAILABLE, async () => { const response = await jsonrpcRequest('networkData.available', { genesis, }); expect(response).toHaveProperty('result', true); }); test(INDEXER_METHODS.BLOCKS_STATUS, async () => { const response = await jsonrpcRequest('blocks.status', { genesis }); expect(response).toHaveProperty('result'); expect(response.result).toHaveProperty('number'); expect(response.result).toHaveProperty('hash'); expect(response.result).toHaveProperty('timestamp'); expect(response.result).toHaveProperty('genesis'); }); }); describe('program methods', () => { test(INDEXER_METHODS.PROGRAM_ALL, async () => { const response = await jsonrpcRequest('program.all', { genesis }); expect(response).toHaveProperty('result.count', programs.length); for (const p of programs) { const receivedProgram = response.result.programs.find(({ id }) => id === p.programId); expect(receivedProgram).toBeDefined(); expect(receivedProgram.codeId).toEqual(p.codeId); expect(receivedProgram.metahash).toEqual(p.metahash); } }); test(INDEXER_METHODS.PROGRAM_ALL + ' by owner', async () => { const response = await jsonrpcRequest('program.all', { genesis, owner: decodeAddress(alice.address) }); expect(response).toHaveProperty('result.count', programs.length); expect(response.result.programs).toHaveLength(programs.length); }); test(INDEXER_METHODS.PROGRAM_ALL + ' by status', async () => { const response = await jsonrpcRequest('program.all', { genesis, status: 'active' }); // TODO: check terminated status expect(response).toHaveProperty('result.count', programs.length); expect(response.result.programs).toHaveLength(programs.length); }); test(INDEXER_METHODS.PROGRAM_ALL + ' by dates', async () => { const toDate = new Date(); const fromDate = new Date(toDate); fromDate.setMinutes(fromDate.getMinutes() - 5); const response = await jsonrpcRequest('program.all', { genesis, fromDate, toDate }); expect(response).toHaveProperty('result.count', programs.length); expect(response.result.programs).toHaveLength(programs.length); }); test(INDEXER_METHODS.PROGRAM_ALL + ' with query', async () => { const response = await jsonrpcRequest('program.all', { genesis, query: programs[0].programId.substring(3, 17) }); expect(response).toHaveProperty('result.count', 1); expect(response.result.programs).toHaveLength(1); expect(response.result.programs[0].id).toEqual(programs[0].programId); }); test(INDEXER_METHODS.PROGRAM_ALL + ' with pagination', async () => { const response = await jsonrpcRequest('program.all', { genesis, limit: 1 }); expect(response).toHaveProperty('result.count', programs.length); expect(response.result.programs).toHaveLength(1); }); test(INDEXER_METHODS.PROGRAM_DATA, async () => { for (const p of programs) { const response = await jsonrpcRequest('', { genesis, id: p.programId }); expect(response).toHaveProperty('result'); hasAllProps(response.result, [ 'id', '_id', 'blockHash', 'genesis', 'owner', 'name', 'timestamp', 'metahash', 'status', 'codeId', 'hasState', 'expiration', ]); // expect(response.result.hasState).toBe(p.hasState); TODO: check after meta is uploaded expect(response.result.status).toBe(p.status); expect(response.result.metahash).toBe(p.metahash); expect(response.result.codeId).toBe(p.codeId); } }); test.todo(INDEXER_METHODS.PROGRAM_NAME_ADD); }); describe('code methods', () => { test(INDEXER_METHODS.CODE_ALL, async () => { const response = await jsonrpcRequest('code.all', { genesis }); expect(response).toHaveProperty('result'); hasAllProps(response.result, ['listCode', 'count']); expect(response.result.count).toBe(codes.length); for (const c of codes) { const code = response.result.listCode.find(({ id }) => id === c.codeId); expect(code).toBeDefined; expect(code.metahash).toEqual(c.metahash); } }); test(INDEXER_METHODS.CODE_ALL + ' by dates', async () => { const fromDate = new Date(); fromDate.setMinutes(fromDate.getMinutes() - 3); const toDate = new Date(); const response = await jsonrpcRequest('code.all', { genesis, fromDate, toDate }); expect(response).toHaveProperty('result'); expect(response.result.count).toBe(codes.length); }); test(INDEXER_METHODS.CODE_DATA, async () => { for (const c of codes) { const response = await jsonrpcRequest('', { genesis, id: c.codeId }); expect(response).toHaveProperty('result'); hasAllProps(response.result, [ 'id', '_id', 'uploadedBy', 'name', 'status', 'expiration', 'genesis', 'blockHash', 'timestamp', 'metahash', 'hasState', ]); expect(response.result.metahash).toBe(c.metahash); expect(; } }); test.todo(INDEXER_METHODS.CODE_NAME_ADD); }); describe('message methods', () => { test(INDEXER_METHODS.MESSAGE_ALL, async () => { const response = await jsonrpcRequest('message.all', { genesis, limit: 21 }); expect(response).toHaveProperty('result.count', sentMessages.length + receivedMessages.length); hasAllProps(response.result, ['messages', 'count']); expect(response.result.messages).toHaveLength(sentMessages.length + receivedMessages.length); }); test(INDEXER_METHODS.MESSAGE_ALL + ' by dates', async () => { const fromDate = new Date(); fromDate.setMinutes(fromDate.getMinutes() - 3); const toDate = new Date(); const response = await jsonrpcRequest('message.all', { genesis, fromDate, toDate, limit: 21 }); expect(response).toHaveProperty('result.count', sentMessages.length + receivedMessages.length); hasAllProps(response.result, ['messages', 'count']); expect(response.result.messages).toHaveLength(sentMessages.length + receivedMessages.length); }); test(INDEXER_METHODS.MESSAGE_ALL + ' by program', async () => { const response = await jsonrpcRequest('message.all', { genesis, source: testMetaId, destination: testMetaId, withPrograms: true, }); expect(response).toHaveProperty('result.count', 13); expect(response).toHaveProperty('result.messages'); hasAllProps(response.result, ['messages', 'count', 'programNames']); expect(response.result.messages).toHaveLength(13); expect(response.result.programNames).toHaveProperty(testMetaId); expect(response.result.programNames[testMetaId]).toBe(testMetaId); }); test(INDEXER_METHODS.MESSAGE_DATA, async () => { const props = [ 'id', 'blockHash', 'genesis', 'timestamp', 'destination', 'source', 'payload', 'entry', 'expiration', 'replyToMessageId', 'exitCode', 'processedWithPanic', 'value', 'type', 'readReason', ]; for (const m of sentMessages) { const withMetahash = Math.random() > 0.5; const response = await jsonrpcRequest('', { genesis, id:, withMetahash }); expect(response).toHaveProperty('result'); const { result } = response; if (withMetahash) { props.indexOf('metahash') === -1 && props.push('metahash'); } else { props.indexOf('metahash') !== -1 && props.splice(props.indexOf('metahash'), 1); } hasAllProps(response.result, props); expect(; if (result.destination !== m.destination) { console.log(result); console.log(m); } expect(result.destination).toEqual(m.destination); expect(result.source).toEqual(m.source); expect(result.payload).toEqual(m.payload); expect(result.entry).toEqual(m.entry); expect(result.value).toEqual(m.value); } for (const m of receivedMessages) { const withMetahash = Math.random() > 0.5; const response = await jsonrpcRequest('', { genesis, id:, withMetahash }); expect(response).toHaveProperty('result'); const { result } = response; if (withMetahash) { props.indexOf('metahash') === -1 && props.push('metahash'); } else { props.indexOf('metahash') !== -1 && props.splice(props.indexOf('metahash'), 1); } hasAllProps(response.result, props); expect(; expect(result.destination).toEqual(m.destination); expect(result.source).toEqual(m.source); expect(result.payload).toEqual(m.payload); expect(result.value).toEqual(m.value); expect(result.expiration).toEqual(m.expiration); expect(result.replyToMessageId).toEqual(m.replyToMessageId); } }); }); describe('state methods', () => { let stateId: string; test(INDEXER_METHODS.PROGRAM_STATE_ADD, async () => { const buf = fs.readFileSync(path.join(PATH_TO_PROGRAMS, 'test_meta_state_v1.meta.wasm'), 'base64'); const data = { genesis, wasmBuffBase64: buf, programId: testMetaId, name: 'test_meta_state_v1.meta.wasm', }; const response = await jsonrpcRequest('program.state.add', data); expect(response).toHaveProperty('result.status', 'State added'); expect(response.result).toHaveProperty('state'); hasAllProps(response.result.state, ['id', 'name', 'wasmBuffBase64', 'functions']); stateId =; }); test(INDEXER_METHODS.PROGRAM_STATE_ALL, async () => { const response = await jsonrpcRequest('program.state.all', { genesis, programId: testMetaId }); expect(response).toHaveProperty('result.states'); expect(response).toHaveProperty('result.count', 1); expect(response.result.states).toHaveLength(1); }); test(INDEXER_METHODS.STATE_GET, async () => { const response = await jsonrpcRequest('state.get', { genesis, id: stateId }); expect(response).toHaveProperty('result.functions'); expect(response).toHaveProperty('result.funcNames'); expect(response).toHaveProperty(''); expect(response).toHaveProperty(''); expect(response).toHaveProperty('result.wasmBuffBase64'); }); }); test.todo('errors tests');