import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types'; import { BN } from '@polkadot/util'; import { logger } from '@gear-js/common'; import { GearApi, TransferData } from '@gear-js/api'; import { randomUUID } from 'node:crypto'; import { CronJob } from 'cron'; import { createAccount } from '../utils'; import config from '../config'; import { changeStatus } from '../healthcheck.router'; const MAX_RECONNECTIONS = 10; let reconnectionsCounter = 0; interface TBRequestParams { addr: string; correlationId: string; cb: (error: string, result: string) => void; } enum TransferEvent { TRANSFER = 'Transfer', EXTRINSIC_SUCCESS = 'ExtrinsicSuccess', EXTRINSIC_FAILED = 'ExtrinsicFailed', } export class GearService { private account: KeyringPair; private balanceToTransfer: BN; private api: GearApi; private genesis: string; private providerAddress: string; private queue: Array; constructor() { this.providerAddress = config.gear.providerAddresses[0]; this.queue = []; } async init() { this.account = await createAccount(config.gear.accountSeed); this.balanceToTransfer = new BN(config.gear.balanceToTransfer); await this.connect(); this.processQueue(); } get genesisHash() { return this.genesis; } async connect() { if (!this.providerAddress) { logger.error('There are no node addresses to connect to'); process.exit(1); } this.api = new GearApi({ providerAddress: this.providerAddress }); try { await this.api.isReadyOrError; } catch (error) { logger.error(`Failed to connect to ${this.providerAddress}`, { error: error.message }); await this.reconnect(); } await this.api.isReady; this.api.on('disconnected', () => { logger.error(`Disconnected from ${this.providerAddress}`); this.reconnect(); }); this.genesis = this.api.genesisHash.toHex();`Connected to ${await this.api.chain()} with genesis ${this.genesis}`); changeStatus('ws'); } async reconnect(): Promise { this.genesis = null; if (this.api) { await this.api.disconnect(); this.api = null; } reconnectionsCounter++; if (reconnectionsCounter > MAX_RECONNECTIONS) { this.providerAddress = config.gear.providerAddresses.filter((address) => address !== this.providerAddress)[0]; reconnectionsCounter = 0; }'Attempting to reconnect'); changeStatus('ws'); return this.connect(); } async sendBatch(addresses: string[]): Promise<[string[], string]> { const txs = => this.api.tx.balances.transferKeepAlive(address, this.balanceToTransfer)); const batch = this.api.tx.utility.forceBatch(txs); const transferred = []; let blockHash: string; const correlationId = randomUUID({});`Sending batch with ${addresses.length} transfers`, { addresses, correlationId }); try { await new Promise((resolve, reject) => batch .signAndSend(this.account, ({ events, status }) => { if (!status.isInBlock) { return; } blockHash = status.asInBlock.toHex(); for (const { event } of events) { switch (event.method) { case TransferEvent.TRANSFER: transferred.push(( as TransferData).to.toHex()); break; case TransferEvent.EXTRINSIC_SUCCESS: resolve(null); break; case TransferEvent.EXTRINSIC_FAILED: reject({ blockHash, correlationId, error: this.api.getExtrinsicFailedError(event).docs }); break; } } }) .catch((error) => { reject({ error: error.message, correlationId }); }), );`Batch success`, { blockHash, correlationId }); } catch (err) { logger.error(`Batch error`, { ...err }); } return [transferred, blockHash]; } requestBalance(addr: string, correlationId: string, cb: (error: string, result: string) => void) { this.queue.push({ addr, correlationId, cb }); } async processQueue() { new CronJob( '*/3 * * * * *', async () => { if (this.queue.length === 0) { return; } const requests = this.queue;'Processing queue', { q:{ addr }) => addr) }); this.queue = []; const [transferred, blockHash] = await this.sendBatch( => req.addr)); requests.forEach((req) => { if (transferred.includes(req.addr)) {`Balance transferred to ${req.addr}`, { blockHash, correlationId: req.correlationId }); req.cb(null, this.balanceToTransfer.toString()); } else { logger.error(`Transfer balance to ${req.addr} failed`, { blockHash, correlationId: req.correlationId }); req.cb(`Transfer balance to ${req.addr} failed`, null); } }); }, null, true, ); } }