
A JavaScript library that enables connection to the Gear node and allows interaction with it.

Refer to the api docs for details.

npm package


A package designed to provide helper functions for generating offline transactions using @substrate/txwrapper-core package specifically tailored for the Gear pallet.

Refer to the txwrapper docs for details.

npm package


React UI components used across Gear applications.

Refer to the gear-ui docs for details.

npm package

Gear Idea

The source code of the portal for smart-contract developers and backend microservices -


A React application that serves as a get-familiar with Gear to help developers write, test and upload smart contracts to a test network as well as manage accounts, balances, events and more.


A microservice responsible for blockchain indexing and storing information about programs and their messages as well as for storing programs metadata.


A microservice that provides the opportunity to obtain test tokens.


A microservice that provides any interaction between data-storage / test-balance services and an external user.
