import { HexString } from '@gear-js/api'; import { useAccount, useAlert, useApi } from '@gear-js/react-hooks'; import { Button, Input, Textarea } from '@gear-js/ui'; import { zodResolver } from '@hookform/resolvers/zod'; import { AnyJson } from '@polkadot/types/types'; import { useMutation } from '@tanstack/react-query'; import { useEffect } from 'react'; import { FormProvider, useForm, useWatch } from 'react-hook-form'; import { Sails as SailsType, ZERO_ADDRESS } from 'sails-js'; import { z } from 'zod'; import { useProgram } from '@/features/program'; import { getPreformattedText, isUndefined } from '@/shared/helpers'; import { BackButton } from '@/shared/ui/backButton'; import { Box } from '@/shared/ui/box'; import ReadSVG from '@/shared/assets/images/actions/read.svg?react'; import { useService, PayloadValue, useSails, PayloadForm } from '@/features/sails'; import { INITIAL_VALUES } from '../../model'; import { downloadJson } from '../../helpers'; import { useProgramId } from '../../hooks'; import styles from '../full/Full.module.scss'; const StateForm = ({ programId, sails }: { programId: HexString; sails: SailsType }) => { const { api } = useApi(); const { account } = useAccount(); const alert = useAlert(); // would be better if useService could accept undefined sails? const { select, functionSelect, args, decodeResult, ...query } = useService(sails, 'queries'); const defaultValues = { ...INITIAL_VALUES, payload: query.defaultValues }; const schema = query.schema ? z.object({ payload: query.schema }) : undefined; const form = useForm({ values: defaultValues, resolver: schema ? zodResolver(schema) : undefined }); // take a look at:, // works for now but might need to be changed, for example is not working const payloadValue = useWatch({ control: form.control, name: 'payload' }); const readQuery = async (payload: PayloadValue | undefined): Promise => { if (!api) throw new Error('API is not initialized'); if (!decodeResult) throw new Error('Sails is not found'); const result = await api.message.calculateReply({ destination: programId, origin: account?.decodedAddress || ZERO_ADDRESS, value: 0, gasLimit: api.blockGasLimit.toBigInt(), payload, }); return decodeResult(result.payload.toHex()); }; // decode numbers bigger than 64 bits (BigInt)? const state = useMutation({ mutationFn: readQuery, onError: ({ message }) => alert.error(message) }); const isStateExists = !isUndefined(; const handleSubmit = form.handleSubmit(({ payload }) => state.mutate(payload)); useEffect(() => { state.reset(); // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [payloadValue]); return (
{sails && args && ( )} {state.isPending ? (