import { HexString } from '@polkadot/util/types'; import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types'; import { blake2AsHex } from '@polkadot/util-crypto'; import { bufferToU8a } from '@polkadot/util'; import { join } from 'path'; import { readFileSync } from 'fs'; import { GearApi, ProgramMetadata, decodeAddress } from '../src'; import { TARGET, TEST_META_META, WS_ADDRESS } from './config'; import { checkInit, getAccount, sendTransaction, sleep, waitForPausedProgram } from './utilsFunctions'; const api = new GearApi({ providerAddress: WS_ADDRESS }); let alice: KeyringPair; let codeId: HexString; let programId: HexString; let expiration: number; let metaHash: HexString; let expiredBN: number; let pausedBlockHash: HexString; const code = readFileSync(join(TARGET, 'test_meta.opt.wasm')); const metaHex: HexString = `0x${readFileSync(TEST_META_META, 'utf-8')}`; beforeAll(async () => { await api.isReadyOrError; alice = await getAccount('//Alice'); }); afterAll(async () => { await api.disconnect(); await sleep(1000); }); describe('New Program', () => { test('Upload program', async () => { const metadata = ProgramMetadata.from(metaHex); const program = api.program.upload( { code, gasLimit: 200_000_000_000, initPayload: [1, 2, 3], }, metadata, ); expect(program.programId).toBeDefined(); expect(program.salt).toBeDefined(); expect(program.codeId).toBeDefined(); programId = program.programId; codeId = program.codeId; let programSetExpiration: number; let activeExpiration: number; let isProgramSetHappened = false; let isActiveHappened = false; const status = checkInit(api, program.programId, (st, exp) => { if (st === 'ProgramSet') { isProgramSetHappened = true; if (exp) programSetExpiration = exp; } else if (st === 'Active') { isActiveHappened = true; if (exp) activeExpiration = exp; } }); const [pcData, mqData, blockHash] = await sendTransaction(program.extrinsic, alice, [ 'ProgramChanged', 'MessageQueued', ]); expect(; expect(pcData.change.isProgramSet).toBeTruthy(); expect(pcData.change.asProgramSet.expiration.toNumber()).toBeGreaterThan(0); expiredBN = pcData.change.asProgramSet.expiration.toNumber(); expect(await status).toBe('success'); const reply = await api.message.getReplyEvent(programId,, blockHash); expect(metadata.createType(metadata.types.init.output!,{ One: 1, }); expect(isProgramSetHappened).toBeTruthy(); expect(isActiveHappened).toBeTruthy(); }); test.skip('Wait when program will be paused', async () => { const [id, blockHash] = await waitForPausedProgram(api, programId, expiredBN); expect(id).toBe(programId); expect(blockHash).toBeDefined(); pausedBlockHash = blockHash; }); test('Сreate program', async () => { expect(codeId).toBeDefined(); const metadata = ProgramMetadata.from(metaHex); const { programId, salt } = api.program.create( { codeId, gasLimit: 200_000_000_000, initPayload: [4, 5, 6], }, metadata, metadata.types.init.input, ); expect(programId).toBeDefined(); expect(salt).toBeDefined(); const programChangedStatuses: string[] = []; const status = checkInit(api, programId, (st) => { programChangedStatuses.push(st); }); const [transactionData, blockHash] = await sendTransaction(api.program, alice, ['MessageQueued']); expect(transactionData.destination.toHex()).toBe(programId); expect(await status).toBe('success'); expect(programChangedStatuses).toContain('ProgramSet'); expect(programChangedStatuses).toContain('Active'); const reply = await api.message.getReplyEvent(programId,, blockHash); expect(metadata.createType(metadata.types.init.output!,{ One: 1, }); }); test('Throw error if value is incorrect', () => { expect(() => api.program.upload({ code: Buffer.from('0x00'), gasLimit: 1000, value: api.existentialDeposit.toNumber() - 1 }), ).toThrow(`Value less than minimal. Minimal value: ${api.existentialDeposit.toHuman()}`); }); test('Not to throw error if value is correct', () => { expect(() => api.program.upload({ code: Buffer.from('0x00'), gasLimit: 1000, value: api.existentialDeposit.toNumber() }), ).not.toThrow(); }); test('Throw error if gasLimit too high', () => { expect(() => api.program.upload({ code: Buffer.from('0x00'), gasLimit: api.blockGasLimit.addn(1) })).toThrow( `GasLimit too high. Maximum gasLimit value is ${api.blockGasLimit.toHuman()}`, ); }); test('Not to throw error if gasLimit is correct', () => { expect(() => api.program.upload({ code: Buffer.from('0x00'), gasLimit: api.blockGasLimit })).not.toThrow(); }); test.skip('Pay program rent', async () => { const tx = await api.program.payRent(programId, 10_000); const [result] = await sendTransaction(tx, alice, ['ProgramChanged']); expect(result).toHaveProperty('id'); expect(; expect(result.change.isExpirationChanged).toBeTruthy(); expect(result.change.asExpirationChanged.expiration).toBeDefined(); expect(Number(result.change.asExpirationChanged.expiration.toNumber())).toBe(expiration + 10_000); }); test.skip('Calculate pay rent', () => { const costPerBlock = api.program.costPerBlock; const pay = api.program.calcualtePayRent(10_000); expect(pay.toString()).toBe(costPerBlock.muln(10_000).toString()); }); }); describe('Program', () => { test('Get all uploaded programs', async () => { expect(programId).toBeDefined(); const programs = await api.program.allUploadedPrograms(); expect(programs).toBeDefined(); expect(programs.includes(programId)).toBeTruthy(); }); test('Program exists', async () => { expect(programId).toBeDefined(); const isExist = await api.program.exists(programId); expect(isExist).toBeTruthy(); }); test('Get code hash', async () => { expect(programId).toBeDefined(); expect(codeId).toBeDefined(); const codeHash = await api.program.codeHash(programId); expect(codeHash).toBe(codeId); }); test('Get metahash by program id', async () => { expect(programId).toBeDefined(); metaHash = await api.program.metaHash(programId); expect(metaHash).toBe(blake2AsHex(metaHex, 256)); }); test('Get metahash by codeId', async () => { expect(programId).toBeDefined(); expect(codeId).toBeDefined(); const codeMetaHash = await api.code.metaHash(codeId); expect(codeMetaHash).toBe(metaHash); }); test('Get metahash by wasm', async () => { const codeMetaHash = await api.code.metaHashFromWasm(code); expect(codeMetaHash).toBe(metaHash); }); test('Get metahash by wasm if it is Uint8Array', async () => { const codeMetaHash = await api.code.metaHashFromWasm(bufferToU8a(code)); expect(codeMetaHash).toBe(metaHash); }); test('Get program storage', async () => { expect(programId).toBeDefined(); const program = await api.programStorage.getProgram(programId); expect(program).toBeDefined(); }); test('Get program pages', async () => { expect(programId).toBeDefined(); const program = await api.programStorage.getProgram(programId); const pages = await api.programStorage.getProgramPages(programId, program); expect(Object.keys(pages)).toHaveLength(2); }); // test.skip('Resume program', async () => { // expect(programId).toBeDefined(); // expect(pausedBlockHash).toBeDefined(); // const parentBlock = (await api.blocks.get(pausedBlockHash)).block.header.parentHash.toHex(); // const program = await api.programStorage.getProgram(programId, parentBlock); // const initTx = api.program.resumeSession.init({ // programId, // allocations: program.allocations, // codeHash: program.codeHash.toHex(), // }); // const [txData] = await sendTransaction(initTx, alice, ['ProgramResumeSessionStarted']); // expect(txData.sessionId).toBeDefined(); // expect(txData.accountId).toBeDefined(); // expect(txData.accountId.toHex()).toBe(decodeAddress(alice.address)); // expect(txData.programId).toBeDefined(); // expect(txData.programId.toHex()).toBe(programId); // expect(txData.sessionEndBlock).toBeDefined(); // const sessionId = txData.sessionId.toNumber(); // const pages = await api.programStorage.getProgramPages(programId, program, parentBlock); // const memoryPages = Object.entries(pages); // const txs: any = []; // for (const memPage of memoryPages) { // txs.push(api.program.resumeSession.push({ sessionId, memoryPages: [memPage] })); // } // await new Promise((resolve) => // api.tx.utility.batchAll(txs).signAndSend(alice, ({ events }) => { // events.forEach(({ event: { method } }) => { // if (method === 'BatchCompleted') { // resolve(true); // } // }); // }), // ); // await new Promise((resolve) => // api.program.resumeSession.commit({ sessionId, blockCount: 20_000 }).signAndSend(alice, ({ status }) => { // if (status.isFinalized) { // resolve(true); // } // }), // ); // }); });