import { BalanceOf } from ''; import { HexString } from ''; import { ISubmittableResult } from ''; import { SubmittableExtrinsic } from ''; export type ICallOptions = | { SendMessage: SubmittableExtrinsic<'promise', ISubmittableResult> } | { SendReply: SubmittableExtrinsic<'promise', ISubmittableResult> } | { UploadCode: SubmittableExtrinsic<'promise', ISubmittableResult> } | { DeclineVoucher: null }; export interface IUpdateVoucherParams { /** * The new voucher owner. */ moveOwnership?: string; /** * The new voucher balance. */ balanceTopUp?: number | bigint | BalanceOf; /** * Append new programs to the voucher. */ appendPrograms?: string[]; /** * Enable or disable code uploading. */ codeUploading?: boolean; /** * Prolong the duration of th voucher validity. */ prolongDuration?: number; } export interface IVoucherDetails { /** * The voucher owner. */ owner: HexString; /** * The block number at and after which voucher couldn't be used and can be revoked by owner. */ expiry: number; /** * Set of programs this voucher could be used to interact with. If null, the voucher could be used with any program. */ programs: string[] | null; /** * Flag if this voucher's covers uploading codes as prepaid call. */ codeUploading: boolean; }