import { Codec, Registry } from ''; import { PortableRegistry, TypeRegistry } from ''; import { Si1LookupTypeId, Si1TypeDef } from ''; import { HexString } from ''; import assert from 'node:assert'; import { hexToU8a } from ''; import { TypeStructure } from '../types/index.ts'; const LOOKUP_REGEXP = /\bLookup\d+\b/g; const DIGITS_REGEXP = /\d+/; const OPTION_REGEXP = /^Option<[\w\][;\d<>, ]+>$/; function isOption(typeName: string, typeDef: Si1TypeDef): boolean { if (!typeDef.isVariant) { return false; } if (!OPTION_REGEXP.test(typeName)) { return false; } if ( typeDef.asVariant.variants.length !== 2 || typeDef.asVariant.variants.filter((v) =>'Some') ||'None')).length !== 2 ) { return false; } return true; } export class GearMetadata { private registry: Registry; private regTypes: Map; portableRegistry: PortableRegistry; constructor(hexRegistry: HexString) { this.registry = new TypeRegistry(); this.portableRegistry = new PortableRegistry(this.registry, hexToU8a(hexRegistry), true); this.regTypes = new Map(); this.prepare(); this.registerTypes(); } private prepare() { const updateTypes = []; for (const type of this.portableRegistry.types) { const name = this.portableRegistry.getName(; const typeDef = this.portableRegistry.getTypeDef(; if (name !== undefined) { this.regTypes.set(, { name: this.portableRegistry.getName(, def: typeDef.type }); } else { assert( typeDef.lookupIndex ===, 'Lookup index of type is not equal to index in portable registry', ); if (typeDef.type.includes('Lookup')) { updateTypes.push(typeDef.lookupIndex); } this.regTypes.set(typeDef.lookupIndex, { name: typeDef.type, def: null }); } } if (updateTypes.length > 0) { for (const id of updateTypes) { this.regTypes.get(id).name = this.getTypeName(id); for (const [type, { name, def }] of this.regTypes.entries()) { if (LOOKUP_REGEXP.test(def)) { const match = def.match(LOOKUP_REGEXP); let newDef = def; for (const m of match) { const index = Number(m.match(DIGITS_REGEXP)[0]); newDef = def.replace(m, this.getTypeName(index)); } this.regTypes.set(type, { name, def: newDef }); } } } } } private registerTypes() { const types = {}; Array.from(this.regTypes.values()).forEach(({ name, def }) => { if (def) { types[name] = def; } }); this.registry.setKnownTypes({ types }); this.registry.register(types); } createType(typeIndex: number, payload: unknown): T { const type = this.regTypes.get(typeIndex); assert.notStrictEqual(type, undefined, `Type with index ${typeIndex} not found in registered types`); return this.registry.createType(, payload); } getTypeDef(typeIndex: number | Si1LookupTypeId): string | Record; getTypeDef(typeIndex: number | Si1LookupTypeId, additionalFields: false): string | Record; getTypeDef(typeIndex: number | Si1LookupTypeId, additionalFields: true): TypeStructure; getTypeDef( typeIndex: number | Si1LookupTypeId, additionalFields?: boolean, ): string | Record | TypeStructure; getTypeDef( typeIndex: number | Si1LookupTypeId, additionalFields = false, ): string | Record | TypeStructure { const { def, path } = this.portableRegistry.getSiType(typeIndex); if (def.isPrimitive) { return additionalFields ? { name: def.asPrimitive.type, kind: 'primitive', type: def.asPrimitive.type } : def.asPrimitive.type; } if (path.length > 0 && === 'primitive_types') { const type = this.getTypeName(typeIndex); return additionalFields ? { name: type, kind: 'primitive', type } : type; } if (def.isEmpty) { return additionalFields ? { name: '()', kind: 'empty', type: null } : null; } if (def.isNone) { return additionalFields ? { name: 'None', kind: 'none', type: null } : null; } if (def.isSequence) { return additionalFields ? { name: this.getTypeName(typeIndex), kind: 'sequence', type: this.getTypeDef(def.asSequence.type, additionalFields), } : [this.getTypeDef(def.asSequence.type, additionalFields)]; } if (def.isTuple) { const tuple = => this.getTypeDef(index, additionalFields)); return additionalFields ? { name: this.getTypeName(typeIndex), kind: 'tuple', type: tuple } : tuple; } if (def.isArray) { const arrayType = this.getTypeDef(def.asArray.type, additionalFields); const len = def.asArray.len.toNumber(); return additionalFields ? { name: this.getTypeName(typeIndex), kind: 'array', type: arrayType, len } : [arrayType, len]; } if (def.isComposite) { const isTuple = def.asComposite.fields[0].name.isNone; let result: any = isTuple ? [] : {}; const name = this.getTypeName(typeIndex); if (name === 'ActorId') { return additionalFields ? { name, kind: 'actorid', type: 'actorid' } : name; } for (const { name, type } of def.asComposite.fields) { if (name.isSome) { result[name.unwrap().toString()] = this.getTypeDef(type, additionalFields); continue; } else if (def.asComposite.fields.length === 1) { result = this.getTypeDef(type, additionalFields); return additionalFields ? { ...result, name: this.getTypeName(typeIndex) } : result; } else { result.push(this.getTypeDef(type, additionalFields)); } } return additionalFields ? { name, kind: isTuple ? 'tuple' : 'composite', type: result } : result; } if (def.isVariant) { const _variants = {}; const name = this.getTypeName(typeIndex); for (const { name, fields } of def.asVariant.variants) { if (name.eq('None')) { _variants[name.toString()] = additionalFields ? { name: 'None', kind: 'none', type: null } : null; continue; } if (fields.length === 0) { _variants[name.toString()] = null; continue; } if (fields[0].name.isNone) { if (fields.length === 1) { _variants[name.toString()] = this.getTypeDef(fields[0].type, additionalFields); } else { const tuple ={ type }) => this.getTypeDef(type, additionalFields)); _variants[name.toString()] = additionalFields ? { name: null, kind: 'tuple', type: tuple } : tuple; } } else { const result = {}; for (const { name, type } of fields) { result[name.unwrap().toString()] = this.getTypeDef(type, additionalFields); } _variants[name.toString()] = additionalFields ? { name: null, kind: 'composite', type: result } : result; } } return additionalFields ? { name, kind: isOption(name, def) ? 'option' : 'variant', type: _variants, } : { _variants }; } } getTypeName(index: number | Si1LookupTypeId) { const { def, params, path } = this.portableRegistry.getSiType(index); if (def.isPrimitive) { return def.asPrimitive.toString(); } if (def.isEmpty) { return '()'; } if (def.isNone) { return 'None'; } if (def.isSequence) { return `Vec<${this.getTypeName(def.asSequence.type)}>`; } if (def.isTuple) { return `(${ => this.getTypeName(index)).join(', ')})`; } if (def.isArray) { return `[${this.getTypeName(def.asArray.type)};${def.asArray.len.toNumber()}]`; } if (def.isComposite) { if (params.length > 0) { return `${}<${params .map(({ type, name }) => (type.isSome ? this.getTypeName(type.unwrap()) : name.toString())) .join(', ')}>`; } return; } if (def.isVariant) { if (params.length > 0) { return `${}<${params .map(({ type, name }) => (type.isSome ? this.getTypeName(type.unwrap()) : name.toString())) .join(', ')}>`; } return this.portableRegistry.getName(index); } } getAllTypes() { return this.registry.knownTypes.types; } getTypeIndexByName(typeName: string): number | null { for (const [index, { name }] of this.regTypes.entries()) { if (name.toLowerCase() === typeName.toLowerCase()) { return index; } } return null; } }